Mission Madhes
Constitution Draft
(1) Name
(1.1) Mission Madhes (US) is the autonomous US chapter of the global organization Mission Madhes.
(2) Objective
(2.1) To organize Madhesis worldwide to leverage the network for the benefit of the members.
(2.2) To contribute to the equality, dignity and prosperity of the Madhesi population in Nepal.
(2) Organization
(2.1) Mission Madhes (US) will have a nine member Executive Committee. President, Vice President - 5, General Secretary-2, Treasurer.
(2.11) Five Vice Presidents: The duly elected presidents of the five regional committees will be the ex officio Vice Presidents of the central committee.
(2.2) Seven strong regional committees are to be formed as feasible in the following regions. President, Vice President - 3, General Secretary- 2, Treasurer.
- Northeast
- Midwest
- Southeast
- Southwest
- West
(2.3) Five member metro committees are to be formed as feasible in the following metros. President, Vice President - 2, General Secretary, Treasurer.
- New York
- Los Angeles
- Chicago
- Houston
- Philadelphia
- Phoenix
- San Antonio
- San Diego
- Dallas
- San Jose
- Detroit
- Indianapolis
(2.3) Until elections are held for the first time, an ad hoc committee recognized by the central executive committee can conduct business for maximum one year at which point their term can be renewed for another year or until elections can be held.
(2.4) Elections are to be held for all levels in June 2010 for the first time. Elections will be held for all Officer positions in the organization at the same time in June. Those who became members by the end of May that year will be eligible to vote.
(2.41) Member Of The Year: The member who refers more members than anyone else in a particular year that get verified by an Officer will be declared Member Of The Year and will be honored at the Annual Picnic.
(2.5) It would be possible for one person to hold Officer positions at all three levels.
(2.6) Metros and regions that don't have enough members will not have committees.
(2.8) Officers will stay in office for two years.
(2.9) Board Of Advisors: The president, in consultation with the Executive Committee, will nominate a five member Board Of Advisors. A person has to be a member of the organization to be nominated. The Board's term expires with that of the president, or before if deemed necessary by the president.
(3) Principles
(3.1) Democracy and transparency are the two fundamental principles that Mission Madhes (US) shares with Mission Madhes chapters worldwide.
(3.2) Leaders will hold regular consultations with members and fellow Officers.
(3.3) All book keeping is to be kept transparent and online. The treasurer will publish online quarterly statements. The bank account will be handled by the signatures of the president and the treasurer. All transactions will have to be shared with the committee within a week and with members through the website within 10 days.
(3.4) Plentiful use is to be made of social/digital media to cover all events that the organization might host or be part of.
(4) Members
(4.1) Membership is free.
(4.2) Members are to submit their contact email addresses, phone numbers and their location: city, state, country.
(4.3) Members can be referred by any existing member, and must be verified by an Officer either by email or phone call or meeting in person.
(5) Global Reach
(5.1) Mission Madhes (US) is a member of the International Coordination Committee (ICC) of the global organization Mission Madhes.
(5.2) The president and one vice president chosen by the president are ex officio members of the ICC.
(6) Events And Programs
(6.1) The committees at the three levels are encouraged to do events so as to add to the vibrancy of the organization.
(6.2) Events can be organized solely or in coordination with other local organizations as determined feasible and necessary.
(6.3) Programs can also be launched. All book keeping will have to be kept transparent and online.