Sunday, March 19, 2006

Madhesi Manch

ANTA was the first organization of its kind. But now there is talk of launching another. And that is okay. There are 50 Pahadi organizations. It is okay to have more than one Madhesi organization.

This is a human rights issue. Right to peaceful assembly, right to organize, like right to free speech.

Madhesi Manch, to be launched in New York City.

(1) The term Teraian feels so artificial. The apt term is Madhesi.
(2) There are many people who feel ANTA has not handled the caste issue well. I am not one of them. I am a Buddhist. But caste sure is a reality in the Terai, as in Nepal, as in India. The group identities based on caste exist.

On the other hand, Madhesis who are members of the Pahadi organizations do not ask the same question of them. Leaders in those organizations are often both Bahun and Pahadi.

But my fundamental agreement with the idea is that it is perfectly okay. When you launch an organization, you are exercising your fundamental human right. And I see ANTA and Madhesi Manch working in close cooperation.

The good news is maybe two organizations will organize more Madhesis than one has been able to. The more the merrier. Heck, if someone were to launch a third, I'd welcome that as well. And no need to be secretive about it. I think the ANTA officers will be happy to learn Madhesis are getting organized one way or the other.

Here is an outline of a Proposed Constitution.

Procedures For Forming And Changing Not-For-Profit Corporations In ...
FAQs - How do I establish a nonprofit organization?

Madhesi Manch is a social, cultural, political organization. It hopes to have chapters in all big cities in the world that have Madhesi populations. Each country chapter is to stay autonomous, though in close communication.

The US chapter will elect its leadership during the ANA convention each summer. Online voting may also be organized.

This is to be a bottom up organization. The city chapters that will allow members to meet in person are at the core of the organization. The central committee is to only play a coordinating role.

There is to be an open, online forum for all members.

Annual membership fee is $10 in the US, $5 for students.

Video Clips
DV And ANTA And Nepali Diaspora
Jay Mandal's Questions
Madhesi-Pahadi Disparity In NYC
Poor ANTA Website
ANTA Expansion Hurdles
Time To Reorganize The ANTA Perhaps
ANTA NYC Chapter
Life Member Fee For ANTA, ADHRN
ANTA Makes Sense On Many Levels
Pledging To Become Life Member Of ANTA
About Time