The concept of a Madhesh state is the Madhesi Movement's gift to me. Before that I was espousing a three state federalism: Koshi, Gandaki, Karnali. The state terror unleashed upon the movement and the intense demonization of the movement that has continued have put me firmly in the camp of those who want a Madhesh state.
Yesterday I went to the Democracy Day reception organized by the Nepal Mission To The UN here in New York City. I found myself engaged with some hard core prejudiced Pahadis, the hartakarta Bahuns in the city who would say things like "the unrest was a law and order problem, it did not have a political solution," "we need to drive the madeses out of Nepal to India where they came from," and so on. I responded in kind. "Yo kotha ma bhayeka Nepaliharoo bhaneko kuwa ko bhyaguto. Kun Bahun ko ke nai aukat chha ra New York ma?" "Madhesh state ra Madhesh police ko sthapana bhaye pachhi hamee pani law and order kai kura garamla." "Madhesh state ma Bahun haroo lai minority rights dine kura thiyo. Aba tyo kura chat parna parla."
And then there was some sane talk. I basically laid it out as follows.
- Are you for democracy? Answer: yes.
- Are you for federalism? Answer: yes.
- Well then, what is your map for federalism? My map has a Madhesh state in it. Both of us should try and sell our respective maps to the Madhesi people. Let the people decide.
- That Madhesh state should be such that it has minority rights, and even non-Madhesis feel comfortable living there.
We have to be very suspicious of the Maoist federalism. We don't want a Madhesh state that is like the Tibet Autonomous Region.
Proposed Constitution
Janata Dal Constitution
Dear Colleagues/Friends
I wish to invite you, with your spouse, at a reception I and Geeta will be hosting on the occasion of the 57th National Democracy Day at the following date, time and venue. I would certainly appreciate your kind presence.
Madhu Raman Acharya
Date: Monday February 19, 2007
Time: 6.00 PM to 8.00 PM
Venue: Himalayan Yak Restaurant & Bar
72-20 Roosevelt Avenue
Jackson Heights NY 11372
Dress: Informal
Dear All
Nepal is to resolve great political issues to move forward. Still few points are to be pondered For that intellectuals must contribute in Nation building. I have put some of them as below. Please think over and let us discuss and give feed back to make our better future.
Regional Political Parties – Possibilities and challenges
Madhesh People's Movement has brought forward few important points/issues to think over. Different people have different opinion/thoughts regarding this Movement. Few thought that this was communal, few took it as separatist agitation, but most of Political Parties and Intellectuals took it as fight for the Madheshi human right. Even the Parties and Leaders accepted that this is fight for the real cause. But the great questions arise here, the people who are in the power or in the Government after realizing the fact why did 27 people were killed, many were wounded and the whole country was put in a very painful situation.
The international agencies who were also in dark or pretending to be ignorant about the fact that the Nepal does not mean only a nation of Hills people. After the Madheshi Mass Movement they have also been compelled to realize that Madheshis are also genuine citizen of Nepal and they also need to be addressed.
Nepal and Nepalese have always been cheated and misguided by the rulers. Their genuine issues could never be addressed in a proper manner
Now the question is who to be blamed for such situation. Political Parties or the people themselves?
Before going to the above question it is necessary to draw your attention on the Mass Movement 2046. People were very much hopeful to achieve Human rights after restoration of Democracy. Because Panchyat System had strategically developed people as slaves through increasing poverty among general public and introducing corruption among so called enlightened people. After restoration of democracy people were quiet hopeful that this status will improve but unfortunately, the same things started repeating in still open ways. The Political parties could not bring any effective improvement programs. They started playing politics just in the dirty politics ways. They forgot that in this century the politics can only sustain if they manage the country with managerial skills. People always wanted to draw the nation's attention towards their real problems.
Eventually, the political parties turned to be failure in this country. People now want to see new faces to rule the country but unfortunately the parties, even today have the previous hangover.
In such situations;
1. Do you think the same political Parties can improve their working culture and will be able to resolve the National Issues?
2. Do you think Maoist can be able to Transform the Nepalese Society and lead this country to the path proper development and Prevent Nepal in going to be failed State?
3. What are the chances of formation of Regional Political Parties?
4. Do you think the Large political Parties like Nepali Congress, Nepali congress (Democratic), Nepal Communist party, and Nepal Sadvawana party will survive in the same manner as they are doing at present?
5. Will the large political Parties try to open regional parties as sister organizations?
Er.Satya Narayan Shah
Cell:- +977 98510 04366
Phone: +977 1 4465729/2030068
Email: er.snshah@gmail.com; snshah@wlink.com.np
Janakpur FM 101.8 MHz
New York Se Sandesh
15 Minutes Every Week
4 million Madhesis, 8 million Maithili speaking people.
Paramendra JiParamendra Bhagat
I know you through your blogs being a regular visitor though passive.I was told about you ,courtesey Satya Narayan j ,my close friend.We are also trying our best utilising all resources at our command for our community. It will be nice to hear you on Janakpur FM ,101.8 MHz and you will be talking to 4 million madhesis and about 8 million maithili speaking people.It will be nice to get your voice in mp3 format although our internet speed is very slow .Anyway we will be getting very useful material which is bound to be informative and morale boosting.
I know you and your family as we are neighbours and are at same mental wave length
I have been to your clinic near Bhanu Chowk - yellow building - as a
kid in the early 80s. And my father contested elections against your
brother in 1991. Now I am in NYC. Thank you Satya Narayan Chacha for
the contact info.
I am very interested in reaching the Madhesi audience through your FM.
My views are at www.madhesi.net
If you have reporters who might want to ask me specific questions,
they can email me, and I can respond in MP3 format and post them here.
And the MP3 material can be used to put on air.
That might be best.
What do you think? Let me know.
I look forward to appearing on a regular basis.
On 2/18/07, Satya Narayan Shah wrote:
> Dear Papu
> There are three FMs working in Janakpur but out of them I think one will be
> more suited to you. The contact person is Dr. Vijay Kumar Singh
> email: drvjy@yahoo.com
> Ph; 00977 41 520374
> cell: 00977 98540 20274
> You can email him and get the response. If you need I can talk with him. It
> is better if try first.