Hearing The Aditya Jha Name For The First Time
I just got off the phone with Ratanji after a rather long conversation, our second. I am so thankful he called.
What transpired during the conversation totally renewed my enthusiasm for the ANTA.
I think ANTA makes a whole lot of sense for all Madhesis in America at many different levels.
First, the pride thing. If you are a Madhesi, being a Madhesi is a big part of you. If you can not find ways to actively take pride in that part of your identity, you hurt yourself at the level of self-esteem. You can not unbecome a Madhesi. Sorry. You are stuck with it. And if you neglect nurturing the same, you are not a complete person in your several personal and professional endeavors.
Second, the service thing. Madhesis in America are fortunate compared to those back in Nepal. If we will not speak up, who will? Our doing little at this end will have magnified impacts back in Nepal.
Third, enlightened leadership. We are not trying to generate Madhesi-Pahadi friction. We just want to elevate the interaction to a higher plane of existence, to a level of equality and mutual respect. A few of my Pahadi friends joined ANTA, and I am so glad they did. The most famous probably is my high school classmate and friend Kiran Sitoula, founder of SEBS NA, and a very active Nepali in the DC area.
Fourth, professional networking. And this is a deal clincher. I have been making the rounds in New York City se

And now I talk to Ratanji, and he casually mentions Aditya Jha. First time I heard of him, but looks like he is right behind Upendra Mahato in terms of monetary achievements. The guy could end up a potential angel investor, one of those early round people. Why not!
I fired off an email to him right away.
So you see, ANTA makes so much sense.
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