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Summary of the Discussion on taking this Think Tank to the next level
Mar 24, 10:53 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 19:53:22 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Tues, Mar 24 2009 10:53 pm
Subject: Summary of the Discussion on taking this Think Tank to the next level
The majority opinion seems to be to keep this think tank as is. There
are people who want to go back to the founding principles. I don't buy
into that. Nepal was founded as a monarchy. So it never should have
become a republic, right? And there is the Biplav Yadav school of
thought that says this think tank has not attained the maturity level
to go public and hold elections. I see that to be true. And then there
are people who are worried if the conversations here go public then
that might hurt their careers and/or social standings. That would be a
practical matter. But then can you imagine the martyrs getting
practical and saving their lives?
For now I rest my case. Ram Sah and I both want to make the archives
public. But I guess we will have to wait until the majority opinion
gets there. That is the democratic way.
The status quo thought is the thought of a backward community that
wishes to stay backward. That is my observation. I guess I get to
focus more on my own organization:
Mar 25, 5:19 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 14:19:18 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Wed, Mar 25 2009 5:19 pm
Subject: Resolution Now that this is no longer a
mailing list, but a public forum, I think this can continue as is.
I am glad I brought up ideas and ignited some discussion, but I have
decided to respect the majority opinion with equal enthusiasm. I guess
people do face the public as they move about in their various spheres,
but they like to come back to this private group as their watering
hole. The relaxed atmosphere is due to the group being private. I
appreciate that. I mean, I still think making the archives public
would be more beneficial to the Madhesi cause, but I am for free
speech, freewheeling discussion, but I am also for respecting majority
opinion. Let's keep at it. Manjil ek aur rahi do, phir pyar kaise na
ho? I don't doubt any member's commitment to the Madhesi cause, it is
just that we don't always agree on how best to serve the cause, and
that is okay. Kunda Kunda Pani, Munda Munda Buddhi. If we were to not
have disagreements, we would not need a group, one person would be
Thanks Ram Sah and Himanshu Shekhar for sticking out your necks.
Thanks Ram Manohar for coming up with a creative resolution to the
"crisis." And I don't think I ever underappreciated BJDJ's work as
this group's administrator, and he does not feel another way. It is
all cool.
I talked to Google through Twitter, and it worked.
Mar 26, 3:49 pm
From: Paramendra Bhagat
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 15:49:19 -0400
Local: Thurs, Mar 26 2009 3:49 pm
Subject: I talked to Google through Twitter, and it worked.
Mar 26, 4:48 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:48:24 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Thurs, Mar 26 2009 4:48 pm
Subject: Re: I talked to Google through Twitter, and it worked.
FM Yadav's advisor accused of embezzlement of funds
Mar 25, 4:22 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 13:22:25 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Wed, Mar 25 2009 4:22 pm
Subject: Re: FM Yadav's advisor accused of embezzlement of funds
First they said the Tharu movement was against the Madhesis when the
truth is the Tharus have been subjugated for centuries by the Pahadi
rulers. Then they said the Muslims are also against the Madhesis just
like the Tharus.
I do not doubt the Tharus and the Muslims have been marginalized and
have their own unique identities.
But so do Bahuns and Chhetris. They also have their own unique
identities. But they are very much part of the larger Pahadi identity.
You don't see Bahuns agitating to say we are not Pahadi, we are
Tharus, Muslims, Dalits are all Madhesi, but they have genuine
grienvances within that pan Madhesi identity. For reservation purposes
it might not be a bad idea to have separate quotas for the Tharus, the
Muslims and the Terai Dalits. On the other hand, if you were to have
one quota for Dalits, all the Pahadi Dalits will benefit, and the
Madhesi Dalits will be left high and dry. Similarly, if the Tharus
were to become part of the larger Janajati category for reservation
purposes, their quota will get eaten up by the Pahadi Janajatis.
We have legitimate caste, class, gender, ethnicity issues within the
pan Madhesi identity, and I am for addressing those because only that
way will we be able to create a more healthy Madhesi identity. I
really do want the Tharus, the Muslims and the Dalits to wake up. But
instead they want to go from one form of sleep to another. They have
shown the tendency to become pawns at the hands of the Pahadi ruling
class. We have to watch out. We have to engage them. We have to open
dialogue with them.
Second they attacked Suman which is a way of attacking the MPRF party
president Upendra Yadav. Like Ratanji says, this is the same CIAA that
jailed Deuba on behalf of the king, the same CIAA that harassed Jay
Prakash Gupta. And we have to fight back. I want to know if the Maoist
leadership had anything to do with this.
Heck, they also attacked Sukhdev Sah for having a green cad. For
having a green card! Of all things. The way they talk about Sah's
green card you would think a green card is some kind of cocaine.
Election Timetable For The Madhesh Think Tank Board -- April 2009
Mar 23, 7:04 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:04:22 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 7:04 pm
Subject: Election Timetable For The Madhesh Think Tank Board -- April 2009
(1) All individuals wanting to be Board members will have to declare
candidacy by April 7 midnight EST. They may do so by replying to this
message, by emailing You can run
for Chairperson, or Board Member - 3 slots. There are four positions
open. The current Administrator will remain in place for one year.
(2) The ballot will be made public by April 10.
(3) All votes will have to be in by April 17. Each member gets to cast
four votes. Send your votes by email to madhesh-think-
(4) Final results are to be published by April 20.
(5) The new Board comes into office on April 21.
Paramendra Bhagat
Election Volunteer
Mar 23, 8:40 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 17:40:30 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 8:40 pm
Subject: Re: Election Timetable For The Madhesh Think Tank Board -- April 2009
Board member of the Madhesh Think Tank Board. Would you be interested?
Mar 23, 10:08 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 19:08:47 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 10:08 pm
Subject: Re: Election Timetable For The Madhesh Think Tank Board -- April 2009
Lalit Jha: " In regards to this forum, suggest that we continue to
focus on recruiting more members and encourage
more participation and more volunteers."
That is precisely what I want to happen. But you can't keep doing the
same thing, and expect a different result.
I want us to have more members, more participation, and that is why I
am proposing what I am proposing. I am aware I am pushing people out
of their comfort zones. But that is the least we can do for the
Madhesi cause from the comfort of our First World lives.
Mar 23, 10:29 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 19:29:12 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 10:29 pm
Subject: Re: Election Timetable For The Madhesh Think Tank Board -- April 2009
My proposals should not bother any existing member who has liked the
old ways. Nothing has to change for you if you don't like the
(1) You can't complain that you now receive too many emails. Go here
and change your settings:
If you have chosen to receive a daily digest, you of course only read
the emails you wish to read, you sure don't have to read any or all.
On the other hand you can choose to receive no emails at all, you can
decide you want to go the site itself and read select messages online.
(2) You don't have to sit on the Board if you don't want to. You don't
have to vote if you don't want to.
(3) Your right to write on any topic of your choice has not changed.
If anything that right is now even more entrenched.
I am working to take this group to the next level, that is all.
100-200 people claiming to be among the top Madhesis have an
obligation to the 13 million Madhesis. That is all.
Largest Madhesi Mailing List In The World Now Largest Online Madhesi Forum
Mar 25, 4:13 am
From: paramendra
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 01:13:16 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Wed, Mar 25 2009 4:13 am
Subject: Largest Madhesi Mailing List In The World Now Largest Online Madhesi Forum
1400 plus Members
All members can post.
Each member is now set to receive Daily Digests. Please go change your
settings if that is not what you want.
Thank you Ram Manohar for the suggestion.
Mar 24, 10:34 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 19:34:20 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Tues, Mar 24 2009 10:34 pm
Subject: Re: Suggestion / Request This group has 1400 plus
Madhesi members, but it is a mailing list, the largest Madhesi mailing
list in the world, not a discussion forum. I could not possibly open
it up and turn it into a discussion forum. The archives at that group
have always been public. This group on the
other hand has members who lead Madhesi organizations all over the
world, and others are people known personally by at least one other
member. So this group is more of a community, and a discussion forum.
Mar 23, 3:46 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 12:46:32 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 3:46 pm
Subject: Re: HI
Of all the Madhesi diaspora organizations, AIMSA is my favorite. I am
so proud of these people.
Mar 22, 10:03 am
From: paramendra
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 07:03:30 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Sun, Mar 22 2009 10:03 am
Subject: Re: Request to add new member
Ram Sah: "In my view, it is time to think of taking this group/forum
to still higher level. In my discussion with Lalit Jha Ji yesterday,
the thing emerged that we create a Madhesh Think Tank website and
provide opportunity for
Madhesh-related organizations to be linked to this website. What do
you think?"
There are two things that can be done to take this think tank to the
next level.
(1) Make the archives public so all those Madhesis who are not members
can still read the messages and follow the discussions. That much
widership (which gets measured by Google) will also enhance the
discussions here. We have to turn this into some kind of a cyber
parliament for the leading Madhesis of the world.
(2) Keep adding members to the group. Bring in more leading Madhesis
from all parts of the world, especially from inside Nepal.
PS. I have already linked to this think tank from my blog on Nepal.
But that link makes no sense if the archives are not public.
Mar 22, 10:08 am
From: paramendra
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 07:08:19 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Sun, Mar 22 2009 10:08 am
Subject: Re: Request to add new member
Ram Sah: "......... taking this group/forum to still higher
level......What do you think?"
Also, members should delete the original message (s) from the body of
their email (s) when sending replies to be posted/dispatched to the
rest of the members. Just retain the subject line and maybe a line or
two from the original message that you are responding to. Otherwise
messages end up looking so untidy.
Some Ways To Improve This Think Tank
Mar 22, 6:24 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 15:24:01 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Sun, Mar 22 2009 6:24 pm
Subject: Re: Paul Soren: New member request
I think it would be a very good idea to accept Paul Soren's request
for membership. For members we should have Madhesis AND friends of
Madhesh. Someone like Soren can help spread the word, that helps the
Madhesi cause.
Soon I am going to be writing proposed guidelines for this Think Tank
that I would want to throw for feedback, criticism and circulation.
Mar 23, 12:46 am
From: paramendra
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 21:46:06 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 12:46 am
Subject: Re: Paul Soren: New member request
There are a few things I would like to point out.
(1) It is okay for people to disagree. Actually disagreements are
welcome. We need live debates. The emphasis should not be on lack of
disagreements and a snuffing out of differences in opinion. The
emphasis should be on respectful disagreements. When we can not agree,
we respectfully disagree.
(2) I like the idea of seeking consensus, but when we can't, we have
to learn to vote. Majority opinion gets to carry the day.
(3) Because this think tank is cyber/virtual, to some people it is not
"real." To me it is very real.
(4) To some people words are merely words, not action. I say words are
action too.
(5) When you bring (3) and (4) together, you come to realize this
think tank is a vibrant virtual organization where a lot of work gets
(6) This think tank has 75 members but less than 10 active members,
and barely about five very active members. That is too little. If we
were to have 200 members, we might end up with 20 active members, and
that would be better. So let's expand.
(7) This think tank is the only place I know where the leading members
of the global Madhesi diaspora congregate. I think having a five
member Board would be a great idea.
(8) I don't understand why we should be scared of democracy and
(9) As for the Paul Soren issue, that is an excellent topic to bring
up for an open vote. Give a deadline by which interested members
should have voted, and let people vote. My vote is to bring him in.
Mar 23, 4:08 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 13:08:47 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 4:08 pm
Subject: Re: Paul Soren: New member request
This has become an interesting thread.
(1) Should we only allow Madhesis into this think tank? If so, then
define Madhesi. A Bahun living in the Terai is not Madhesi, at least
by the Nepal Sarkar's definition. Is Tharu Madhesi? Is Muslim Madhesi?
If we are open only to Madhesi members, are we open to ALL Madhesi
members? So any Madhesi with an email address can request membership?
Or does an applicant have to be personally known by at least one
existing member of the group? Even if this think tank is to keep at
its current ways, we need to come up with a definition of who a member
(2) This think tank is guilty of a certain elitism. My instincts are
more egalitarian, open, democratic, transparent, heading towards mass
(3) What is the purpose of this group? Is the purpose that Bijay Raut
convinces Ratan Jha and Ratan Jha convinces Binod Shah and Binod Shah
convinces Biplav Yadav and Biplav Yadav convinces Vijay Kumar and
Vijay Kumar convinces Ram Manohar Sah and Ram Manohar Sah convinces
Ram Sah and Ram Sah convinces Subhash Sah? What we have right now is
an echo chamber. This is a major disservice to the Madhesi cause. The
purpose of this think tank is not, should not be that 70 elitist
Madhesis can help each other out, reach out to each other, and massage
each other's egos, that we are the chosen few feeling of elitism. The
purpose should be to bring together the top 70, or the top 200
Madhesis in the world to see what we can do for the 13 million
Madhesis on the planet. If we are not even open to sharing our
communication with at least those members of that 13 million who might
be online in the various Terai towns and various parts of the world,
then this think tank feels like constipation.
(4) Ram Sah, Lalit Jha and I seem to be in agreement on this one.
(5) Of course Bijay Raut does not want elections, because if there are
elections next year he might no longer be Administrator. I am with
Subhash Sah on this one. We need a structure. That way we will be more
efficient, more productive. Periodic elections will make us more
healthy as a group.
(6) And I am suspicious of Ratan Jha being for a global Madhesi
organization first, but then coming out against the idea once Ram
Sah's name got proposed for that organization's leadership. Now he is
opposed to having an elected Board for this think tank. I am
suspicious. I am suspicious of people who want to hold leadership
positions but who are scared of elections.
(7) On the Soren issue, you could argue just like a non Nepali can not
become a MP in Nepal so a Soren does not get to join this think tank.
But that decision has to be preceded by debate and discussion. I am
glad we are talking.
(8) As to my candidacy, this is what I
have to say. I am the person who launched ANTA in New York, where its
biggest presence in America still is. I was part of the conversations
that launched AIMSA, my favorite Madhesi diaspora organization, and
ANMUK. I poured more time and energy into the Madhesi Kranti of
January February 2007 than any other diaspora Madhesi. I am the
ultimate digital democrat among the Nepalis outside Nepal. But then I
also was one of the top Obama volunteers in all of NYC, so it is not
like I am only digital. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Mar 23, 4:19 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 13:19:30 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 4:19 pm
Subject: Re: Paul Soren: New member request
"Access: Only members can view group content"
Some reasons not to make the archives public.
(1) Oh no, all my Pahadi friends who are only friends with me because
I don't talk Madhesi rights in their presence will find out that I do
talk Madhesi rights in private, and once they find out, they are no
longer going to be friends with me.
(2) I am different from the Madhesi masses, I am better. I am above
them. If a Madhesi who can come online from Janakpur can access the
archives just like I can, then how am I better than that Janakpur
(3) I am too lazy to engage my other elite Madhesi friends over email.
To me this think tank is like an email account. So it has to stay
Mar 23, 5:36 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 14:36:40 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 5:36 pm
Subject: Re: Paul Soren: New member request
"In response to Paramendra's usual long email (you think too fast, my
friend!), I would like to reiterate what Ratan ji said it very
succintly in his earlier email: "Regarding running this Forum, all we
need is few dedicated members (Volunteers) who can streamline and
steer the discussion, sometime involving serious and sensitive/
complicated issues, to a logical/rational end which will be of value
to Madheshi people and its leadership. That was the founding mission
of establishing this Think Tank. It'd become unmanageable if we dig
too much into formalities.""
So because Ratan Jha says something, it is right? I don't buy into
that. Ratan Jha is only one among the 70 plus votes in this forum.
Most often what Ratan Jha says makes sense to me as well, but what we
are talking about here is democracy, not one person. There is no
compromising with the democratic process.
We have to move with the speed of the needs of the Madhesi cause, we
can't try and force the Madhesi cause to move at our lethargic pace.
Ratan Jha's sentiment might have made sense during the early months of
this group, but now it is time to go along with Ram Sah's and Lalit
Jha's sentiment, which is that it is time to take this group to the
next level.
Taj Mohammad Miya: It’s unclear who Madhesis are
Mar 23, 4:44 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 13:44:19 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 4:44 pm
Subject: Taj Mohammad Miya: It’s unclear who Madhesis are
Joint National Muslim Struggle Committee (JNMSC)
My comment: We have to face the fact that Muslims in the Terai towns
don't exactly experience equality. Socio-economically they lag behind.
The problems with having one big quota for Madhesi reservations is all
the Yadava and Jhas and Sah will benefit, and the Tharu, Dalit, Muslim
and women will get left behind. Perhaps the Madhesi Dalits, the
Madhesi Muslims and the Tharus, and the Madhesi women need their own
separate quotas in the 45% reservations promised in public sector
Twitter, Facebook
Mar 23, 1:40 am
From: paramendra
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 22:40:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Twitter, Facebook
I recommend all members of this think tank sign up for these two
social networks online. They are great ways to connect between people
who hardly ever get to meet in person, which would be us. Through
Facebook we get to share pictures of Madhesi events worldwide. We get
to comment on the pictures.
Mar 23, 3:45 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 12:45:07 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 23 2009 3:45 pm
Subject: Re: Twitter, Facebook
This is a great site that Surendraji has created. I just signed up. I
encourage others to do the same.
MJF Split: What Does It Mean?
Mar 22, 9:58 am
From: paramendra
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 06:58:14 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Sun, Mar 22 2009 9:58 am
Subject: MJF Split: What Does It Mean?
MJF dissidents float new party
(१) Mao long ago noticed every time he expelled half the members of
his central committee, the party overall doubled in size. This split
might mean the MJF will grow.
(२) These MJF leaders are not that influential. The party stays the
same as before.
(३) This split means the party has lost between one quarter to one
third of its strength.
Which do you think it is?
Proposed Guidelines For The Madhesh Think Tank
Mar 22, 7:02 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 16:02:51 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Sun, Mar 22 2009 7:02 pm
Subject: Proposed Guidelines For The Madhesh Think Tank
(Rough draft being sent out for circulation)
(1) The Madhesh Think Tank (
think-tank) will attempt to bring in as members all the leading
Madhesis on the planet in whatever field. But The Madhesh Think Tank
will not limit itself to such leading members. Any Madhesi or friend
of Madhesh may request to become a Member. Whey they do so, they will
have to submit their brief bio which will be made public to the group
upon approval. Existing members may propose new members. A majority
vote of the Board will approve membership requests.
(2) The Madhesh Think Tank will have two administrators at any one
time, one active, one dormant.
(3) The Madhesh Think Tank will have a five member Board to be
elected annually. Any member of the Think Tank may seek to be a Board
member. If there are more than five contestants, an election will be
held. All members get to cast five votes each. The top five vote
getters win. The Board will make all final decisions on who to approve
for membership or not within the guidelines below that have been
passed by the membership at large. The active administrator will be a
de facto member of the Board for the first year, but for subsequent
years will have to be elected. The Chairperson of the Board will the
dormant administrator. Five slots: Chairperson of the Board,
Administrator, Board Member, Board Member, Board Member. If someone
running for Chairperson loses the election, but is still one of the
top five vote getters, that person gets to become a Board Member. Each
person contesting gets to submit a max 100 word profile of themselves
to the Board that will then put all of them together and send them out
at once to make a case as to why they deserve to win. The 100 words
may include web addresses. That is the only campaigning that will be
allowed. All Board meetings will be conducted over email.
(4) All voting to do with The Madhesh Think Tank will be open. As in
people will send in their votes over email, and the final tally will
be made public as to who voted for what, whom. Members will have to
have cast their votes by the deadline set for each vote. The outgoing
Board will act as the Election Commission for the next Board.
(5) The Madhesh Think Tank will keep its archives public. But only
members may participate in the discussions.
(6) The Madhesh Think Tank is a free speech domain, but obscenity,
profanity, and defamatory language is discouraged.
(7) The Madhesh Think Tank Board has a right to expel members through
majority vote. Expelled members have a right to appeal any such
decision. All five Board members then get to make a second decision
that will be final, but each Board member will have to explain as to
why they decided the way they decided, and the explanations will be
made public in The Madhesh Think Tank. A new Board may revisit that
(I hereby declare my candidacy for Chairperson of the Board)
Mar 22, 7:41 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 16:41:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Proposed Guidelines For The Madhesh Think Tank
Let's set a deadline for the end of March.
All feedback to these guidelines will have to be submitted by the end
of this month. All votes for and against these guidelines will have to
be submitted by the end of the month when it will be tallied.
Once we have the guidelines by the end of the month, then we hold
All individuals wanting to be Board members will have to declare
candidacy by April 7. The ballot will be made public by April 10. All
votes will have to be in by April 17. Results are to be published by
April 20. The new Board comes into office on April 21.
And this entire thing happens in a transparent fashion in real time,
right here at this think tank.
Student Elections: How Did The Madhesi Parties Do?
Mar 21, 10:53 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:53:25 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Sat, Mar 21 2009 10:53 pm
Subject: Student Elections: How Did The Madhesi Parties Do?
The Pahadi media has news only of the three Pahadi parties. How did
the Madhesi parties do in the student elections?
And also. Welcome Saritaji to this think tank. Saritaji and I were
both Vice General Secretaries to the Nepal Samajwadi Janata Dal in the
mid 90s. Our party had two MPs.
And Welcome Purushottam Shah. Janakpur guy. BNKS graduate. College
student in America.
Mar 21, 10:58 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:58:07 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Sat, Mar 21 2009 10:58 pm
Subject: Re: Student Elections: How Did The Madhesi Parties Do?
ANNFSU lead continues in FSU polls
...... only five campuses are left to announce the polls
results. ....... ANNFSU has won FSU presidents in 92 campuses
including whole of its panels in 65 campuses.
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