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Apr 5, 5:39 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2009 14:39:57 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Sun, Apr 5 2009 5:39 pm
Subject: Re: madhesh-think-tank
That the archives of this think tank are not to be made public in real
time as the default option is hard enough on me, but I have respected
that for being the majority opinion.
But anything I write here is mine, and I, of course, get to publish my
writings wherever I want, like here:
The political leaders you talk about, many of them are members of this
think tank, and they read the writings, some of them all the time,
most of them some of the time.
What report could you possibly be talking about? This group has a
search function. We don't need to write reports. We have search. We
just need to bring in more and more people who can contribute and who
can benefit from what goes on here.
One thing impresses me though. I published some of my stuff here only this past hour. I have not emailed
anyone, I have not sent links out to mailing lists, and you already
became aware. How? I am so very impressed.
हिन्दीमें गप्प करेंगे तो कैसा रहेगा?
Apr 2, 10:01 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 19:01:50 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Thurs, Apr 2 2009 10:01 pm
Subject: हिन्दीमें गप्प करेंगे तो कैसा रहेगा?
हिन्दीमें गप्प करेंगे तो कैसा रहेगा?
इस थिंक ट्यांक्में हिन्दीमें गप्प करेंगे तो कैसा रहेगा? हर समय शायद
सम्भव न हो, लेकिन कभी कभी। हर समय सिर्फ अंग्रेजीमें बड्बडाने से काम
नहीं चल्नेको है।
Apr 2, 2:20 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 11:20:57 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Thurs, Apr 2 2009 2:20 pm
Subject: Re: Information.
Great news from my favorite Madhesi diaspora organization. Keep up the
good work guys. And I really like your emphasis on email. Makes it so
much easier to contribute to the larger Madhesi cause.
Apr 2, 2:29 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 11:29:50 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Thurs, Apr 2 2009 2:29 pm
Subject: Re: Information.
Bring in 10-20 more AIMSA people into this think tank. All your
chapter presidents perhaps. Send their names and email addresses to
Bijay Raut.
Concept papers on new Constitution
Apr 1, 10:21 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 19:21:37 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Wed, Apr 1 2009 10:21 pm
Subject: Re: Concept papers on new Constitution
Do the other parties have fully written proposed constitutions like
the Maoists do? If yes, can someone please submit those to this think
tank? Thanks.
Apr 2, 2:25 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 11:25:17 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Thurs, Apr 2 2009 2:25 pm
Subject: Re: Concept papers on new Constitution
Rakeshji. I am comfortable with the idea of there being several
Madhesi parties. It is just that I feel if we want a Madhesi to be the
executive chief of Nepal, I don't see how we can do that unless we
have a unified party.
And I agree we should not be too harsh on the Madhesi leaders. We
should be watchful, but not harsh. And we should praise when praise is
That there are three or four Madhesi parties is not bad news. There
will be competition and the people will benefit. That is how democracy
works. I never felt bad that there are more than one Madhesi party in
the ring. The more the merrier. The Madhesi people do not need to
depend on any one party to fulfill their aspirations. If the Madhesi
people feel the MJF is not being true to the cause, they might flock
to the TMLP and the Sadbhavana, and vice versa. And that is good news.
That is the beauty of democracy.
Peace, Empowerment, Prosperity for the Terai
Apr 1, 11:51 am
From: Paramendra Bhagat
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 11:51:40 -0400
Local: Wed, Apr 1 2009 11:51 am
Subject: Peace, Empowerment, Prosperity for the Terai
I think the first order of business is for all the Madhesi parties to
get united. Otherwise you have a scenario where the TMDP is pissed the
MJF has 54 MPs, and the TMDP has only 21, but it does not seem to
notice the Maoists have 229, the NC has 115, and the UML has 108. I
think the TMDP is perfectly capable of competing with the MJF, at some
point even outdoing it, but is that the competition we want? Should
that be our primary goal? Or is that a diversion of energy?
I think we have to work to engineer a unification of all the Madhesi
parties, the MJF, the TMDP, the two Sadbhavanas, and the Dalit
Janajati Party.
As important as unification will be the goal of coming up with a swell
constitution for such a unified party. Today Upendra Yadav might end
up party chair of that unified party, but down the line at some future
convention Hridayesh Tripathy, or Rajendra Mahato, or JP Gupta could
end up party chair. As long as there is robust democracy inside the
party, and bookkeeping is kept transparent among all members of the
cetral secretariat, the top 11 leaders in the party, it is but
inevitable that the party will not have the same person in leadership
Then these Madhesi leaders need to put some serious pressure on the
government to mainstream the armed political groups and isolate the
criminal gangs. Law and order is one of the most fundamental functions
of the state. The state has to deliver.
We have to ensure Ek Terai, Ek Pradesh in the next constitution. That
is key. But that can not happen unless we get all the Madhesi parties
talking to all the top Tharu, Muslim and Terai Dalit groups. Just like
there is a need for a new Nepali identity, one that is inclusive of
Madhesis, there is a need for a new Madhesi identity, one that the
Tharus, the Muslism and the Dalits can also proudly claim, one that
Madhesi women can also proudly claim.
I think we have to shoot for a four state geographic federalism:
Koshi, Gandaki, Karnali, Terai.
And once we institutionalize federalism and a new constitution, it is
all about rapid economic growth.
Mar 31, 9:42 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 18:42:16 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Tues, Mar 31 2009 9:42 pm
Subject: Re: New Member: Dipendra Jha
Wow. What a welcome. This think tank's organic growth to get hold of
people like Diprendra Jha is impressive. We should seek as many such
people from all walks of life as possible. This is one razzmatazz
resume. He even got Mukesh Singh out of the woodworks! Impressive.
> Dipendra Jha
> Human Rights Activist/Coordinator-Civic Dialogue Group
> Workig to Build Peace Movement in Tarai.
> M.A (Human Rights-Mahidol University, Thailand)
> M.A (Peace Studies, Bradford University, UK)
> L.L.B (T.U. Nepal)
Ramkewal Sah: "I am not sure these so-called Madheshi Parties are at
all serious ....... ending violence, extortion, abduction and all
sorts of disturbances of peaceful living in Madhesh/Terai. .........
uniting people of Madhesh ...... the majority non-Khas people are
uniting to forge an alliance to end the century of misrule of Khas-
Rulers (Prachand-Girija-Jhalnath: now the remanants of Shah Rule).
This new revolution is going to happen this summer and so another
polarisation is evident between Majority Madheshi & Majority Pahari
people against the traditional rulers of Madhesh & Pahar."
Ramkewalji's talk of yet another impending revolution is great in that
it promises a non-Khas polarization both in the Terai and the Hills.
But I am a little alarmed that we should be so dismissive not just of
the Khas parties, but also all the Madhesi parties. Why not instead
help all the Madhesi parties get united and help them build the most
progressive party constitution of any, such that it is democratic and
transparent, and there is good power distribution among the various
levels of leadership? Otherwise what are we looking at? Yet another
round of street agitation? Lead by whom? Leading to what? With what
agenda? I am not opposed to the idea of yet another street movement.
But I do emphasize clarity of thought, clarity of goals. And it should
be a state building exercise, ultimately. The state and democracy
should finally attain a level of maturity and sophistication that we
should no longer have to resort to street agitations, no more strikes.
Elections, and parliamentary debates and discussions should be enough.
In the long run.
But I sure would like to know more about Ramkewalji's summer talk.
What's cooking?
Ratan Jha: "I met Deependra ji during CA Election. He was then working
with the victims of the Kapilvastu riot, and was also part of the
Election Monitoring Team in the most sensitive areas of Terai. He can
provide very useful and first-hand
reports from the ground....."
I would really like that. Dipendraji. What is your reading of the law
and order situation in the Terai right now? How bad is it? Are some
parts worse than others? Who are behind it? Is this a case of armed
political groups, or criminal gangs, or both? How much of each? Is
this also a case of the Pahadi police punishing the Madhesi population
for having elected Madhesi party MPs by going slack on law and order?
When can we expect a more normal law and order situation in the Terai?
How long might it take? What will be the steps to the formation of the
state police in the future Terai state? Are serious efforts being made
to mainstream the armed political groups or no?
Dipendra Jha: "we have to work for having Dialogue between and among
MJF-TMDP including all Madhesi parties, the Tharu Samyukta Sangharsh
Samiti (TSSS) TKS, and and Muslim community "
This is where some of the members of this think tank could play a key
role. We need to get all these groups to come together and have
हिन्दीलाई राष्ट् रि्य भाषा बनाउनुपर्ने फोरमको प्रस्ताव
Mar 26, 4:53 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 13:53:31 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Thurs, Mar 26 2009 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: हिन्दीलाई राष्ट्रि्य भाषा बनाउनुपर्ने फोरमको प्रस्ताव
This is a must. This has to happen. Hindi is our link language. We
speak Maithili, Bhojpuri, Awadhi, Tharu, Urdu, Marwari, but we are all
Madhesi, and Hindi is our link language. We also have to push to make
Hindi the sixth language at the UN.
काठमाडौं, मार्च २६ । मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमले हिन्दी भाषालाई राष्ट्रिय
भाषा बनाउनुपर्ने प्रस्तावसहित नयां संविधानका लागि अवधारणा पेश गरेको छ
। आज संविधानसभा संवैधानिक समितिको बैठकमा फोरम अध्यक्ष समेत रहेका
परराष्ट्रमन्त्री उपेन्द्र यादवले केन्द्रमा नेपालीसँगै हिन्दी भाषा
राष्ट्रिय भाषा बनाउन प्रस्ताव गरेका हुन् ।
Mar 29, 8:12 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 17:12:46 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Sun, Mar 29 2009 8:12 pm
Subject: Re: हिन्दीलाई राष्ट् रि्य भाषा बनाउनुपर्ने फोरमको प्रस्ताव
I don't think the idea is to turn Hindi into the link language in the
Terai and displace Nepali. Nepali is NOT the link language in the
Terai. Hindi is. All we are saying is that fact has to be recognized
in the constitution. That recognition will create more room, not less,
for the cultivation of the local languages like Maithili, Bhojpuri,
Awadhi, Tharu, Urdu. The Hindi language is what makes Madhesi Madhesi.
Otherwise we are very diverse among ourselves.
Mar 30, 5:07 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 14:07:58 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 30 2009 5:07 pm
Subject: Re: हिन्दीलाई राष् ट् रि्य भाषा बनाउ नुपर्ने फोरमको प ्रस्ताव
Exactly. The Mahendra Path nationalism of one language, one religion,
one culture has to go out the door. The Prachanda Path nationalism of
not going for Ek Terai, Ek Pradesh also has to go out the door.
Mar 30, 5:20 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 14:20:05 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 30 2009 5:20 pm
Subject: Re: हिन्दीलाई राष् ट् रि्य भाषा बनाउ नुपर्ने फोरमको प ्रस्ताव
That is highly unrealistic. In a country where more than half of the
people are illiterate, and likely only speak their first languages,
they can't even write their own first languages, to make English the
first language!?
KP Sir, what did you have for breakfast today?
Mar 30, 5:21 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 14:21:56 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 30 2009 5:21 pm
Subject: Re: हिन्दीलाई राष् ट् रि्य भाषा बनाउ नुपर्ने फोरमको प ्रस्ताव
On the other hand, see 4.7, 4.8 of this document.
Mar 30, 8:53 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 17:53:09 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Mon, Mar 30 2009 8:53 pm
Subject: Re: हिन्दीलाई राष् ट् रि्य भाषा बनाउ नुपर्ने फोरमको प ्रस्ताव
JP Sir, that was me appealing to your sense of humor!
Mar 31, 12:57 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:57:23 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Tues, Mar 31 2009 12:57 pm
Subject: Re: हिन्दीलाई राष्ट् रि्य भाषा बनाउनुपर्ने फोरमको प्रस्ताव
What do you think?
# The education system shall follow a tri-lingual policy up to Grade
10, beyond which it is for each individual institution to decide on
its own as to the language of instruction. The first language is to be
the student's first language, the second language is to be Nepali. For
those for whom Nepali might be their first language, the student may
choose any language spoken in Nepal. The third language is to be
English, the contemporary global language of science and commerce.
This policy applies to schools in both the private and the public
sectors. The language of instruction for all other subjects to Grade
10 will be a decision to be made by the individual school board for
the public schools and by the owners of the private schools: it is to
be one of the three - Nepali, Hindi, and English - or a combination.
Other languages spoken in Nepal may also be added to the list after an
autonomous, national Education Commission decides that enough
educational material is available in the said language.
# It is for the national parliament to decide on the use of second and
third local languages as the languages of government at the local
levels. District legislatures may send requests to the national
parliament through the district chairperson. Nepali shall be the
language of government throughout the country at all levels of
Mar 31, 12:58 pm
From: paramendra
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 09:58:53 -0700 (PDT)
Local: Tues, Mar 31 2009 12:58 pm
Subject: Re: हिन्दीलाई राष्ट् रि्य भाषा बनाउनुपर्ने फोरमको प्रस्ताव
The two big contentious issues for the new constitution are going to
(1) The map and modalities of federalism.
(2) Languages.
I am glad we are having robust discussions on both at this think tank.
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